Debra Jane Seltzer has been documenting buildings, signs, and statues from the 1920s-1970s for her website ( for more than 20 years. She has driven more than 500,000 miles, maniacally gathering photos from 48 states. Her website features more than 2,700 pages and over 70,000 photos. She adds new photos and updates descriptions, daily. For the past 14 years, Debra Jane has been writing the feature articles about signs, as well as a sign news column, for the SCA (Society for Commercial Archeology). She also has a book “Vintage Signs of America.” In addition, she has a blog which is a companion of sorts to her website. She also posts some photos to Instagram nightly when she is on the road. She never goes anywhere without her four fun-loving terriers.
Debra Jane Seltzergwneonspeaks2024-07-23T03:26:49+00:00