Adolfo Nodal is a native of Cuba with deep roots in the island, Al is a producer who has presented Cuban artists in the USA and American artists in Cuba for over thirty years. He has been in the Cuba travel business for over 20 years. He co-founded Havana Light Neon + Signs, a historic preservation organization in Cuba to relight Havana’s vintage neón signs. He was General Manager of the City of Los Angeles’s Department of Cultural Affairs for 12 years ending in 2001. After that he was President of the LA Cultural Affairs Commission for three years. He has also served in other LA City Commissions and until 2014 was the President of the Sister Cities of Los Angeles Association. In 2003, Al published Memoria: Cuban Art of the Twentieth Century, a definitive reference book of Cuban art of the period. Al was the co-founder and producer of Presencia Cubana Festival in Echo Park, LA for over twenty years. He is a committed neon sign restorer having restored 125 historic signs in the City of Los Angeles through the LUMENS project that he founded and quite a few in Havana.
Adolfo Nodalgwneonspeaks2021-07-27T18:32:38+00:00